Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Fix, it mama!

How many times has a child asked you this? They bring broken things to us, not doubting that we will be able to put them back together. They don't know how it will be done, and they don't try to figure it out. They just bring them to someone that they have faith in...someone who will make it all better.

When a child brings something broken to you, what's the first thing that has to happen before you can fix it? They have to LET IT GO. They have to place it into your hands so you can do what needs to be done. If they are still holding onto it, you can't take control.

I'm afraid I'm like a child so many times, bringing things to God. I ask Him to "fix it", but I'm unwilling to let go. I bring my worries, my hopes, my fears to Him in prayer and ask for solutions, but I'm still holding onto the problems in my mind....still trying to figure out how to fix it myself. I realize this is something I need to work on. I don't have the answers. I don't have the ability. I can't "fix" everything. But I do know Someone who can. I may not know how He will do it, and I don't need to try to figure it out. Faith is enough.

My Sunday School teacher once said that he thinks of us as carrying our burdens and problems in "spiritual backpacks". They burden us and slow us down. They make the road harder to travel. They keep us from enjoying the journey. He said we bring these backpacks of burdens to Jesus and lay them at his feet in prayer. However, oftentimes, when we rise from our knees to go about our day, instead of leaving the burdens at the feet of Jesus, we pick them back up, put them back on her backs, and carry them around some more. If I truly have faith that Jesus is going to answer my prayer, I need to leave the burdens out of the backpack. I need to LET IT GO. Because Jesus is more than able. He is more than enough.

Just some thoughts from my heart...to yours. May your day be blessed and your heart be happy.

1 comment:

  1. Faith is enough...you are not alone in this..

    There are many times that Faith is all I have...

    I could sit and worry and wonder how things are going to work out..but I think about Job 42:5 "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you." I think about how many times I have seen God work and I should never doubt..(doubt is not faith)

    Wonderful post and something to think about:)


