Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Sun is Always Shining...

I work from home as a transcriptionist. I also homeschool my kids. I'm busy, but blessed!! I have a room in my house that we were blessed to add on as my "office". It has a lot of windows - which I love. My desk is underneath this little octagonal window where I can look out at the trees, sky, clouds, and birds while I work.

In southern Virginia, we have A LOT of cloudy days. I'm not really sure how Seattle gets more rain than we do sometimes. With that being said, it seems almost every day when I am working in the evenings, after school is done, that the sun will shine right into my eyes as it passes over this little window. I like to call it "baking at 350 degrees". It is not easy to find window coverings for these strange little windows, and so I sat. And baked. And fumed a little from time to time. I would tape up paper over it, hang fabric on a coat hanger and a thumbtack, many things. Finally, my husband cut a piece of cardboard to size that I could place into the window and solved my dilemma. I love that man. But what really struck me as odd, would be that we would have an almost totally cloudy day...gloomy...maybe even rainy. But in the evening when I was sitting there working, the sun would peek out from behind the clouds just for a while, just long enough to shine in my eyes while I was trying to type.

I got to thinking about this one day. I decided I wanted to take these little bursts of sun as God "waving" at me from heaven...letting me know that even though the clouds may be out right now, that gloomy days may be part of life, the sun is always shining, whether we can see it or not. Kind of like the way the "SON" is always shining in our lives, even on gloomy days when we can't see Him working.

So now, on those cloudy days when I'm working away, and the sun begins to shine right into my eyes to get my attention, I just think, "Hello, God. Thanks for letting me know you're still there."

Just some thoughts from my yours. May your day be blessed and your heart be happy!

1 comment:

  1. Our home is much like yours..we get all of our sun at about 3-4 o'clock and we have to close our curtain other-wise we are also blinded by the hot afternoon sun:)

    When the sun comes in our window..I will be thinking of you and when the clouds come by I will be thinking of God waving:) :)(very sweet)

    Blessings to you!!

